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 Price list

 The price in low / high seasons and in different areas in Tibet,  can be various, including the  accommodation, transportation, the tickets to tourist spots, and etc.  

Usually, the price for accommodation is RMB10 to 80 for a bed in a hostel, per night.  As for a double room, the price starts from RMB 100 (in low season) or 200 (in high season). 

A 9-person van is about RMB 7 to 9 per kilometer.  In high season, the price may go up due to the shortage of licensed vehicles and drivers.  If you need a licensed tourguide, the price is between 200 to 500; tips for the driver(s) and tourguide are not included. 




Tickets to Tourist Spots
(high seson)
景點門票價格- 旺季


Rent a car (with a driver)
(per kilometer 依公里數計價)

布達拉宮bo da la .................................. RMB 200
大昭寺 Qokang......................................  RMB 85
珠峰大本營Everest ............. RMB 180/人+400/車

绒布寺......................................................RMB 25
納木錯......................................................RMB 120
羊卓雍錯.................................................. RMB 40
札什倫布寺...............................................RMB 85
羅布林卡 ..................................................RMB 60

色拉寺 ......................................................RMB 50

哲蚌寺.......................................................RMB 50

白居寺......................................................-RMB 60




more to come~~


如家快捷酒店(拉萨团结新村店)............RMB 390 up
拉萨缓归青年旅社.................................RMB 20 up

八宝宾馆---------------------------------RMB 280~320 UP

刚坚宾馆---------------------------------RMB 320~480 UP
拉萨苏鲁美朵客栈.................................RMB 220 up

日喀则达热瓦大酒店.............................RMB260 up

扎西曲达大酒店-------------------------------RMB 300 UP

日喀则康勋宾馆....................................RMB 240 up

中信那曲大酒店....................................RMB 200 up

那曲牧人大酒店.................................... RMB 388 up

Just named a few for your references, the price can be various upon your requests.


西藏20座考斯特.................................RMB 10 up
9座瑞风商务 ......................................RMB 7 up
奔驰凌特17座 ....................................RMB 13 up
九龙商务车..........................................RMB 11 up
4人越野車...........................................RMB 9 up

别克商务车..........................................RMB 8 UP

 (in high season/旺季)


more to come~~~

The price may be various.


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